Friday 8 November 2013


So I have been a little busy lately, and really neglected this blog. I'm a tad ashamed of myself. I had such great intentions, too. Start a new blog, post heaps and don't let life getting in the way as an excuse. I didn't realise at the time how hard it is to time manage when life gets so hectic. But not to worry I having recently graduated high school and now have so much free time on my hands .. this is blog is going to be my new best friend. My plan is to try to blog quite frequently about beauty and just in general the transition from child to adult. 

Sounds so formal right, turning from a child into an adult. It is such a big step. I'm quite apprehensive about it all. I'm kind of taking the 'cold turkey' approach and just do it. But I'm not the big hero here who decided that this was the best way, I was given the opportunity to study at one of the best Universities in Australia on a full scholarship. You would be stupid to pass this opportunity up. However, like I said, it means growing up really quickly. See I have to move a big city (which is only 3 hours away) and live by myself with no family around. I will have to do everything for myself, even my own ironing. I think you don't really realise what your parents do for you until you have to start doing them for yourself. I'm pretty sure every teenager takes for granted the little things others do for them, like having meals cooked for you and, if your like me, your washing and ironing done to. But life goes on and you can't be babied forever. In a way I'm grateful for the sudden shock of it all, it has made me appreciate my parents more and has allowed me to become more independent and in control of my life. Don't get me wrong I still wished someone would do my ironing for me, I am literally the world's slowest when it comes to this; but you can't have the cake and eat it too.

So that's about it for my little update. Not that I have had that many page views, but this blog is just as much for me as it is for those who may happen to read it. I need a place where I can share my 'adventures' and  like I first intended review makeup/beauty products (i have a little obsession).

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